Every kid can hit a home run in life. But first they need the
chance to step up to the plate. Through the 5050 Foundation, Mookie Betts is handing the bat to the next generation. We
build groundbreaking sports programs at inner city schools, empowering kids through physical, mental, financial, and nutrition education.
We’re forging a future where every kid knocks it out of the park
THE 5050
Mookie Betts grew up in Tennessee where his mom was his first little league baseball coach. Showing exceptional talent Betts signed to the University of Tennessee while still a junior in high school but was recruited to play for the Boston Red Sox in 2011. Only two years after his official rookie season. Mookie is an MVP and two-time World Series Champion.
5050 pillars
Providing access to mental health care
and education, so that our athletes are
able to play the game without distractions
of unaddressed mental health issues.
The 5050 Foundation has committed to launching and continuing to further three pillar programs in 2023. These programs are AAU Team Mookie, Betts on Us Fund and a Financial Literacy Program.
Mookie and Brianna Betts believe in every kids incredible potential and strive to create programs that further ones future.